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B – Contact Ltd. specializes in the production and trade of chlorine-containing products-disinfectants – Bleach (Sodium hypochlorite), Liquid chlorine and Calcium hypochlorite /Chlorinated lime/, as well as other chemical goods including: Hydrated lime, Hydrochloric acid, Iron trichlorite and others.

The company was registered at the beginning of 2000 as an enterprise with low risk potential. A Complex permit has been issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.

In its activities, the company complies with all legal requirements, having all the necessary permits for the distribution of biocides Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite), Liquid Chlorine and Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorinated lime). Production process is certified according to ISO 9001, 14001, 45001. The sale of the products is accompanied by the issuance of a certificate and an analysis certificate. See all our products >>

B – Contact Ltd. supports its own transport service.

The efforts of the management and all employees are aimed at satisfying the requirements of the customers. The company maintains high quality of products Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite), Liquid Chlorine and Calcium Hypochlorite (Chlorinated lime) and competitive prices.

B – Contact Ltd. has excellent positions on the market in Bulgaria, and also abroad – Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Macedonia, Albania and Romania.

In connection with the transposition of Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 4, 2012. on the control of the dangers of major accidents that include hazardous substances /SEVEZO Directive/ and the Environmental Protection Act and the by-laws to it, as well as on the basis of Art. 116 dal. 1 of the ZOOS, this information is presented to the residents of Byala Municipality, as well as to all other interested parties.

The company “B-Kontakt” Ltd. is located in the town of Byala, region Ruse. The main subject of activity is the production of calcium hypochlorite /chlorine lime/ and sodium hypochlorite /bleach/, in short – liquid chlorine. The products are intended for disinfection in healthcare, veterinary, public sector and household bleaching.
Our company’s major accident prevention policy aims to ensure a high level of protection of human life and health and the environment by planning, developing and implementing appropriate means, structures and management systems. The company has been assessed and approved in accordance with the requirements of: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018. Supervisory and certification audits are regularly conducted at ISU. The system is documented according to the requirements and according to our administrative structure, the responsibilities of all personnel are defined and the available means and technological solutions are assessed. Our aspiration is for it to be effective and to give us an assessment of the compliance of the achieved results with the originally planned goals and, as the last step, closing the cycle, planning and taking corrective actions.

The main tool for the implementation of the company policy is the maintenance and improvement of the introduced SUSBUT, which also includes a management system for the prevention of major accidents, which concerns:

  • Acceptance of responsibility by the management of the company for the protection of the health and life of personnel and customers, the surrounding population of the town of Byala and the protection of the environment.
  • Allocation of functions and responsibilities in the company personally in order to achieve and improve the company policy and protection and prevention of professional risks.
  • Involvement of all personnel in implementing the company’s safety policy through training, briefing and hands-on training to prevent major accidents.
  • Ensuring good communication between the management, the executive staff, as well as with the response headquarters in the town of Byala.
    The information was prepared for a Workshop for the production of chlorine containing products
    and full for liquid chlorine. The facilities are existing and in operation. In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ordinance on the Prevention of Major Accidents with Hazardous Substances and the Limitation of Their Consequences, the company is classified as an enterprise with low risk potential and the classification has been confirmed by the Ministry of the Environment and Waters /MOEW/.

The subject of activity is the production of calcium hypochlorite /chlorine lime/ and sodium hypochlorite /bleach/, in short – liquid chlorine. The following objects are distinguished in the production of chlorine products:

  1. Installation for calcium hypochlorite /chlorine lime/
  2. Installation for sodium hypochlorite /bleach/
  3. Facility for storage of liquid caustic soda and preparation of bleach solutions – Caustic soda and sodium hypochlorite are stored in an open tank space, separated by a wall from the domestic and production premises. The sodium base is stored in two tanks of 60 cubic meters each. full volume, working volume – 100 cubic meters, and the sodium hypochlorite in three tanks with a volume of: 10, 15 and 25 cubic meters.
    All tanks are located on a common concrete platform. A tank of 5,900 cubic meters is also located on the territory of the site. for technological needs.
  4. Warehouse for liquid chlorine – The liquid chlorine, which is used for direct chlorination of a solution of soda ash and hydrated lime, is stored in original transport containers of 800 or 1200 kg, which are located in a warehouse separated from the domestic and production premises. A plant for filling liquid chlorine in 40l and 400l bottles for the needs of B and K also operates on the territory of the site. The plant for filling liquid chlorine also has a chlorine destruction plant.
  5. Storage for sodium hypochlorite
  6. Storage for calcium hypochlorite and hydrated lime – Hydrated lime and hydrated lime are stored in a covered storage room, in bags stacked on pallets. The following products are used: sodium hypochlorite / bleach / and calcium hypochlorite.

The company has been issued Permits by the Ministry of Health for placing on the market biocidal preparations for liquid chlorine /No. 1377-1/08.10.2012/, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine lime /No. 0899-1/05.02.2010/. The company has been issued Complex Permit No. 583-НО/2020. for the above products and sale of liquid chlorine. All conditions reflected in the Complex Permit are strictly observed, including when conducting own monitoring.

Liquid chlorine is delivered from the Himkompleks plant – Republic of Romania in transportable metal containers with a volume of 1000 l and 800 l. The dishes are certified for the carriage of dangerous goods. The substance has been notified to the EFSA since 21.10.2013.

Sodium and calcium hypochlorite have preliminary registrations under the REACH Regulation in 2009, but according to Art. 15 paragraph 2 of the Regulation, these substances are considered as already registered and are not registered. For the same, the company has notified the European Chemicals Agency /ESNA/.

Chemical substances and mixtures used in the production process of the products are stored on the territory of the enterprise. All substances and mixtures are stored in accordance with regulatory requirements. The storage of all materials is in accordance with the storage regulations, safety and fire safety rules. The location of the enterprise is such that there is no direct connection with busy roads and other types of infrastructure objects and facilities. The entrance and exit to the enterprise is an existing municipal road connecting to the national road network. The area of the enterprise is not located in an earthquake zone. There is also no risk of flooding.

Hazards and Risks: The storage of chemical substances and mixtures on site is associated with certain hazards and risks identified and assessed on the basis of a major accident prevention policy report for facilities with low risk potential. The risk analyzes and implementation of the identified controls are the responsibility of the Company’s management. They are subject to regular and unannounced inspections by the Bulgarian control authorities – interdepartmental commissions under Art. 157a of the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as internal audits or those of certifying organizations.

Specific hazards: The identified hazards are the following:

  1. Occurrence of fire
  2. Leak/spill of chemical substances
  3. Occurrence of an accident in case of sabotage or terrorist act
  4. Occurrence of an accident under the influence of natural factors
  5. Occurrence of an accident under the influence of technological factors:
    – as a result of an accident in a neighboring enterprise
    – as a result of an accident on the territory of the enterprise

The nearest businesses are not sources and do not increase the risk or consequences of major accidents. With normal operation of the facilities, there is practically no possibility of major accidents.

Controls: specific measures to reduce the risk of major accidents and reduce the risks to the health and safety of people and the environment are:

  1. Maintenance of technical facilities at such a level that the risk of major accidents is minimized.
  2. Maintenance of fire alarm systems, video surveillance of the enterprise, built lightning protection, access control.
  3. Trainings and replay of emergency situations from which conclusions are drawn and corrective actions are taken to prevent accidents.
  4. Periodic checks for compliance with instructions for safe operation: daily checks of the quantity and quality of incoming raw materials, checks according to the annual plan-schedule, periodic control checks, control measurements, risk assessment, studies.
  5. Prepared emergency plan
  6. Periodic review of the system in order to achieve qualitative, safe, healthy and ecological stability.

Public responsibility: “B – Kontakt” OOD, Byala conducts a policy of open dialogue with the authorities and control bodies in the municipality, the district and the state in order to effectively plan and prevent major accidents.

For contact: Phone: +359 885 91 76 33
The information was provided by Eng. Lyuben Denchev – Manager of B-Kontakt OOD


The management system of B – Contact Ltd., Byala, has been evaluated and approved for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, which guarantees the high quality of produced products.